Lowland Deposits
Undifferentiated gray to buff sand and gravel, gray to brown lignitic
silt and clay, occasional boulders, and rare shell beds.
Surficial deposits occur as intercalated fluvial sands and marsh muds (e.g. in upstream
floodplains of the Wicomico and Nanticoke Rivers), well sorted, stabilized sand
dunes (e.g. eastern Wicomico County), shell-bearing estuarine clays and silts (e.g.
lower Dorchester County and Pocomoke River basin of Worcester County), and beach
zone sands (e.g. Fenwick and Assateague Islands). Wisconsin to Holocene in age.
Subsurface deposits of pre-Wisconsin age consist of buff to reddish-brown sand and
gravel locally incised into Miocene sediments (e.g. Salisbury area), estuarine to
marine white to gray sands, and gray to blue, shell-bearing clays (e.g. Worcester
County). |
Lowland Deposits
Gravel, sand, silt and clay. Medium- to coarse-grained sand and
gravel; cobbles and boulders near base; commonly contains reworked Eocene glauconite;
varicolored silts and clays; brown to dark gray lignitic silty clay; contains estuarine
to marine fauna in some areas (includes in part Pamlico, Talbot, Wicomico and Sunderland
Formations of earlier reports); thickness 0 to 150 feet. |
Upland Deposits (Eastern Shore)
Gravel, sand, silt, and clay. Mostly cross-bedded, poorly sorted,
medium- to coarse-grained white to red sand and gravel, boulders near base; minor
pink and yellow silts and clays; (Wicomico Formation of earlier reports); thickness
0 to90 feet, locally thicker in paleochannels.
Upland Deposits
(Western Shore)
Gravel and sand, commonly orang-brown, locally limonite-cemented;
minor silt and red, white, or gray clay; (includes Brandywine, Bryn Mawr, nad Sunderland
Formations of earlier reports); lower gravel member and upper loam member in Southern
Maryland; thickness 0 to 50 feet. |
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Yorktown Formation
Yellowish-white to gray, fine- to medium-grained sand, gray to bluish
gray clayey silt, and granule gravel; generally nonfossiliferous; sands locally
black or green; present in subcrop of Eastern Shore; thickness 0 to 400 feet. |
St. Mary Formation
Greenish-blue to yellowish-gray sandy clays and fine-grained argillaceous
sand; thickness 0 to80 feet. |
Choptank Formation
Interbedded brown to yellow very fine-grained to fine-grained sand
and gray to dark bluish-green argillaceous silt; locally indurated to calcareous
sandstone; prominent shell beds; thickness 0 to 50 feet. |
Calvert Formation
Plum Point Marls Member: Interbedded dark green to dark bluish-gray,
fine-grained argillaceous sand and sandy clay; contains prominent shell beds and
locally silica-cemented sandstones. Fairhaven Member: Greenish-blue diatomaceous
clay, weathers to pale gray; pale brown to white, fine-grained argillaceous sand
and greenish-blue sandy clay; total thickness 0 to 150 feet. |
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Piney Point Formation
Light gray to yellowish glauconitic medium- to coarse-grained sand
and interbedded shell beds; no known surface outcrop; occurs in subsurface in St.
Marys, Calvert, Queen Annes, Talbot, Caroline, Dorchester, Wicomico, and Somerset
Counties; thickness 10 to possibly 280 feet. |
Nanjemoy Formation
Dark green to gray, argillaceous, glauconitic, fine- to medium-grained
sand; minor gray to pale brown clay; Marlboro Clay Member at base: Pink to gray,
homogeneous plastic clay with local lenses of very fine-grained white sand; thickness
0 to 30 feet; present west of Chesapeake Bay only; total thickness 0 to 125 feet. |
Aquia Formation
Dark green to gray-green, argillaceous, highly glauconitic, well
sorted fine- to medium-grained sand; locally indurated shell beds; thickness 0 to
100 feet. |
Brightseat Formation
Gray to greenish-gray, micaceous, argillaceous, sparsely glauconitic,
fine- to coarse-grained sand, locally indurated calcareous beds; phosphatic pebbles;
thickness 0 to 20 feet; present in southwestern Prince Georges County only. Mapped
as part of Monmouth Formation. |
Monmouth Formation
Dark gray to reddish-brown, micaceous, glauconitic, argillaceous,
fine- to coarse-grained sand; basal gravel in Prince Georges County; thickness 0
to 100 feet. |
Matawan Formation
Dark gray, micaceous, glauconitic, argillaceous, fine-grained sand
and silt; absent in outcrop southwest of Patuxent River; thickness 0 to 70 feet. |
Magothy Formation
Loose, white, cross-bedded, "sugary", lignitic sands and dark gray,
laminated silty clays; white to orange-brown, iron-stained, subrounded quartzose
gravels in western Anne Arundel County; absent in outcrop southwest of Patuxent
River; thickness 0 to 60 feet. |
Potomac Group
Interbedded quartzose gravels; protoquartzitic to orthoquartzitic
argillaceous sands; and white, dark gray and multicolored silts and clays; thickness
0 to 800 feet.
Raritan and Patapsco Formations
Gray, brown, and red variegated silts and clays; lenticular, cross-bedded, argillaceous,
subrounded sands; minor gravels; thickness 0 to 400 feet.
Arundel Clay
Dark gray and maroon lignitic clays; abundant siderite concretions; present
only in Baltimore-Washington area; thickness 0 to 100 feet.
Patuxent Formation
White or light gray to orange-brown, moderately sorted, cross-bedded, argillaceous,
angular sands and subrounded quartz gravels; silts and clays subordinate, predominately
pale gray; thickness 0 to 250 feet.
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Undifferentiated Mesozoic Rocks
Coarse-grained conglomerate with pebbles of quartzite, pegmatite,
serpentine, and vein quartz at base; reddish-brown, gray and green, mottled, fine-
to coarse-grained sandstone, silts tone, and shale; present in subsurface; maximum
thickness penetrated 600 feet. |
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Undifferentiated Crystalline
Weathered schist and mica gneiss with pegmatite dikes, serpentine,
and metagabbro encountered in Eastern Shore deep test wells; hornblende gneiss and
biotite-quartz gneiss encountered in southern Prince Georges County test wells. |