The information contained on this page was adapted from Maryland Geological Survey's Geologic
Map of Maryland (1968). This information reflects geologic interpretations from over
20 years ago and do not necessarily represent an accurate interpretation of currently accepted
geologic theory. We present this information for historic purposes only. Do not use this information
for anything other than illustrative purposes. When a corrected and updated geologic map of
Maryland is available you will see a notification on our web site.
Diabase Sills and Dikes
Sills: greenish-gray to black, medium-grained;
dikes: greenish-gray to black, medium- to fine-grained; local contact metamorphic aureoles.
Gettysburg Shale
Red shale and soft red sandstone, siltstone; estimated thickness less
than 5,000 feet. |
New Oxford Formation
Red, maroon, and gray sandstone, silts tone and shale; basal conglomerate
member: From vicinity of Maryland Rte. 73 and southward, limestone conglomerate with red
and gray calcareous matrix; northward, quartz conglomerate with red sandy matrix; estimated
total thickness 4,500 feet. |
Grove Limestone
Dark gray to light dove, thick-bedded limestone; dolomite beds in lower
part; highly quartzose limestone at base; Upper Cambrian to Lower Ordovician in age; thickness
approximately 590 feet. |
Frederick Limestone
Blue, slabby, thin-bedded limestone and minor shale; contains Upper Cambrian
(Trempealeauian) fuanule; thickness approximately 480 feet. |
Tomstown Dolomite
Interbedded light gray to yellowish-gray, thin- to thick-bedded dolomite
and limestone; some shale layers; gradational contact with Antietam; thickness 200 to
1,000 feet. |
Antietam Formation
White to dark gray and brown, thick-bedded, fine- to coarse-grained quartzite
with thin argillaceous partings; first occurrence of Lower Cambrian fossils; cleavage
generally obscures bedding; increasingly metamorphosed and phyllitic toward east; estimated
thickness 300 to 800 ft. |
Harpers Formation
Brown to dark bluish-gray banded shale, light bluish-gray, finely laminated
phyllite; distinctively pale purple in basal part; bedding obscured by cleavage; increasingly
metamorphosed toward east from shale to slate and phyllite; estimated thickness 2,000
feet. |
Weverton Formation
Interbedded white to dark gray, thin-bedded micaceous, ferruginous,
and sericitic quartzites, phyllites, and white, thick-bedded, ledge-making quartzites;
some gray to brown ferruginous quartz conglomerate and purple-banded phyllite; thickness
approximately 100 feet in south, increases to 425 feet in north.
Loudoun Formation
Upper conglomerate member: Quartz and granitic pebbles in pale purple
phyllitic matrix; basal phyllite member: Pale purple, discontinuous, lenticular; members
are in gradational contact; total thickness 0 to 200 feet. |
Metarhyolite and Associated Pyroclastic Sediments
Metarhyolite: Dense, blue, cryptocrystalline, with white feldspar phenocrysts
and glassy quartz; red porphyritic metarhyolite at contact with Catoctin Metabasalt; Pyroclastic
sediments: Tuff breccia, blue slaty tuff, white tuffaceous sericitic schist, and banded
green slate. |
Catoctin Metabasalt
Thick-bedded metabaslt with amygdaloidal layers and secondary veins of
quartz, calcite, and epidote; interbedded green tuffaceous phyllite and blue amygdaloidal
metaandesite. |
Swift Run Formation
Sericitic quartzite and phyllite; blue and green tuffaceous slate with
sericitic blebs; some white marble with interbedded phyllite. |
Granodiorite and Biotite Granite Gneiss
Light gray to pale green, fine-grained, granodiorite gneiss, and dark
gray biotite granite gneiss with some augen gneiss; in places a sheared muscovite-biotite
gneiss; local biotite schist bands; intruded by metadiabase feeder dikes of Catoctin Metabasalt. |