Future Of Water Supply from the Aquia and Magothy Aquifers in Southern Anne Arundel County, Maryland
2002, Andreasen, D.C.
Ground water is the only source of potable water in Southern Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Ground water pumped from individual wells tapping the Aquia aquifer supplied approximately 1.6 million gallons per day (Mgal/d) to an estimated population of 26,400 in 2000. An additional 0.18 Mgal/d was withdrawn from the Aquia aquifer for mobile home parks and irrigation. Withdrawals from the Magothy aquifer totaled approximately 0.22 Mgal/d in 2000. Total water demand in Southern Anne Arundel County may increase from about 2 Mgal/d in 2000 to 2.8 Mgal/d by 2020 to support a population of 32,750. The Aquia and Magothy aquifers are the most likely sources for future withdrawals given their relatively shallow depths, although deeper aquifers in the Potomac Group are also available. The natural water quality of both aquifers is generally acceptable for selfsupplied domestic use; however, the Magothy aquifer contains iron concentrations at levels requiring treatment.